In India, 300 million farmers rely on groundwater electric or diesel pumps to irrigate their land. 9 million irrigation pumps are diesel based, consuming 4 billion litres of diesel per year. Oorja’s community solar pumping service – Oonnati – provides a means to effectively reach low-income farmers locked out of the subsidy scheme by using an Irrigation-as-a-Service model, thus potentially helping millions of farmers durably transition from diesel to solar pumping.
No upfront asset cost to farmers
Year-round access to water, without any hassle
Affordable tariffs 20-60% cheaper than diesel pumping
Pay Per Use service that accepts cash payments
Convenience of on-farm irrigation access and Operator assistance.
*Tariff: INR 2 - 4 per m3 of water pumped
The Oorja team surveys and selects a suitable site within farmland so nearby farmers can access the pump to irrigate their land, in consultation with the community
Interested customers can sign up by paying a one-time non-refundable membership fee of INR 1,000 per person
At each prospective site, groups of 15-25 members per pump are formed and 45 m2 of land is leased at the centre of the farmland for installation of the solar project
Oorja constructs borewells and procures, installs, tests and commissions the solar equipment
Vibration metres are embedded in each system to measure the time or quantity of produce milled.A flowmeter is installed at each system to measure the quantity of water dispensed. The pumps are operated between 9 am and 5 pm by an Operator
Customers are charged in cash on the day of sale by the Pump Operator, based on the water consumption of each user
The Oorja ground staff take care of prompt repair and maintenance and customer service.
What makes Oonnati stand out is its operations structure which is a Cluster model. 2 to 4 solar pumps of 5 HP each are installed within a village, irrigating up to 100 acres of farmland. This means the farmers no longer need to use diesel pumps and can rely on solar for 100% of their irrigation needs.
Oonnati is priced at least 20% cheaper than diesel-based pumping. It helps farmers save on input costs while guaranteeing year-round water availability, notably during the summer (zayed) season when diesel surface pumps are often not able to draw groundwater.
Projects completed
districts in Uttar Pradesh
satisfied customers
m3 water pumped
acres irrigated
litres of diesel fuel consumption avoided
MWh clean electricity generated
last-mile jobs created
MTCO2e emissions avoided